My Week

This week was pretty eventful. I was able to get lots of things done. Even my dad said it looks like blocking out time for specific tasks is really working for me.

Sunday is my laundry day, so I did 5 loads of laundry and baked/cooked a lot of things for our week.

On Monday, I finished putting the 2012 - 2014 pictures in my daughter's photo album, so her album is now finally caught up! I also took some more pictures of my plastic canvas craft books to list on ebay.

On Tuesday, we looked for school clothes for my daughter and me, got our hair cut and our eyebrows waxed. My daughter found a few tank tops, but that was it. I couldn't find any skirts or shirts to wear when I sub. It was a disappointing shopping trip. In the afternoon, my daughter and I went to get our hair cut. We only go once a year to get a trim or a cut. My daughter just had her hair trimmed as small amount as possible in order to get rid of the split ends. She donates her hair to Locks of Love, but she wants to keep it long when she gets 10 inches off, so she said maybe next year. My hair is thinning, so I had to cut a few inches off to even it up; it was really straggly. Then, for the first time, we got our eyebrows waxed! They recommended she do it when she danced, but every time we got our hair cut, we chickened out. Well, we should've chickened out this time too because my poor daughter got burned. When we got home, she looked in the mirror and it looked like raw skin under both eyebrows and a little above. We called and ended up going back. They refunded us for my daughter's eyebrow waxing and told her to put Neosporin on it. Thank goodness, it is healing. I also still had crazy hair, so she showed how to use oil on my hair and a flat iron. A flat iron is expensive and will take extra time in the morning, so I just bought some coconut oil hair product to try. I hope it works.

On Wednesday, we ran some errands, I did some more baking/cooking for the week, and listed some more things on ebay.

On Thursday, I finished listing all my plastic canvas patterns on ebay, my youngest son went bowling with a friend from church, and I looked up some ASL things. When they came to pick up my son, he had a bloody nose! They waited for awhile for it to stop and then headed out bowling with a kleenex in his hand and his pocket. At least it didn't scare the dad off from taking my son bowling with them. While they were gone, I looked up ASL ice breakers on the computer. I found some on pinterest, but definitely need to find several more. I need something to take up time the first week of school. Any suggestions?

On Friday, I went through my closet and cleaned out my dresser. One drawer had a lot of mementos. Some I still wanted to keep, but some I'm not sure why I still had. I had several of my daughter's and my old glasses. I will take them to our optometrist this week and donate them.

On Saturday, we went to the laundromat to wash all of our bedding. We brought 7 garbage bags full of our bedding to wash. We used 2 6 load machines and 2 4 load machines to wash our things. The nice thing about a laundromat is it only took an hour and a half to wash and dry all that. Unfortunately my pillow seam ripped all the way down, and was ruined. Some of the people in the laundromat said, "Aww," when I took it out of the machine.

How was your week?
