Lunch Notes to My Kids

I have always included lunch notes to my kids in their lunch box, since they started attending school. My oldest son didn't want the notes anymore, sometime when he was in high school. My daughter wanted them all the way through high school, but she hasn't decided if she wants one in her lunch that she'll bring every day to college. My 9 year old son still really enjoys these lunch notes, so I will definitely still be including them in his lunch this upcoming school year.

I used to have a book called something like Hugs for Lunch Boxes, but I've used them all up and they don't make it anymore. It was colorful and decorative notes that offered encouraging words for accomplishments, nice comments about their personality, etc. It also had suggestions in the back about monthly themes, rebus themes, and Scriptures. There were also stickers that could be included on a note. I really liked these books, there were different ones for different ages, so they were great for my kids. Now that they don't make them anymore, I've had to find other ideas for the lunch notes.

This past year, for my 17 year old daughter, I mostly wrote a Scripture on her note. Sometimes, I just picked a random Scripture, and other times I found them in devotional books or also from the internet. People would post encouraging verses, holiday themed verses, etc. on their blog posts or on Pinterest, and I printed them out to include on her notes.

For my 9 year old son, I varied it quite a bit. I wrote encouraging words, praised him on something he accomplished at school, Scriptures, or lessons learned in Sunday School. His favorite things for me to write on the notes were jokes. I found jokes on the internet from people's blog posts or Pinterest. A lot of the jokes are themed around certain characters or holidays. They usually had cute pictures on them, although I just printed them out in black and white. On the bottom of each note, I always wrote where he should meet me every day. Since I usually sub somewhere different every day, I wrote it on the note every day, so he wouldn't get confused or forget where to meet me that day.

I've already been writing down some ideas for this coming school year, bookmarked some posts, and pinned them on Pinterest. I don't have too many yet, so I'd love to find some more.

Do you or did you write lunch notes to your kids? If so, where do/did you find your inspiration?
